I am back from Washington

Wow that was an amazing trip! I have never been anywhere so lush with greenery and incredibly beautiful. I would only hope that I can go back there again and share it’s beauty with everyone I know. I was there for a week… but I can tell you a week was not enough time to embrace the beauty of this state. Here are few pictures out of hundreds captured of my stay in Bellingham/ Seattle/ Lynden/ Fairhaven.

3 Responses so far.

  1. Jenn says:

    Looks like a fun trip! I'm glad you got to go! Hope you're feeling good and the house is coming together well! We love you!

  2. Great images, Naty!! Washington is truly A beautiful state! OH, and that view from your room?! WOW!!

  3. Jennifer says:

    My husband traveled to Seattle for a conference, but I wasn't able to go :( Just means he will have to go back with me one day :) Thank you for following me, now I am following you too.


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